Sherry Dana

Sherry Dana is the President of USA Groups. Created over 30 years ago, the organization promotes in-bound hotel services for groups traveling to DC, Maryland and Virginia.
Ms. Dana had served two terms as the Mount Vernon representative on the Fairfax County Public Schools' Family, Life & Education Advisory Committee. She was also elected as an officer and subsequently as a Mount Vernon District Democratic Committee Deputy Chair and Vice Chair-Precinct Operations from 2012-2014 managing all field operations, logistics and communication for 26 precincts. Additionally, Ms. Dana served as a Board Member of the Friends of the Fairfax County Commission for Women and continuing her tenure on the Board of the Center for Improving Women’s Lives, is now serving as Vice-Chair. Her decade of volunteer service in grassroots organizing earned her the Mount Vernon District Democratic Committee Membership Award and the Sally Kiefer Volunteer Award. Ms. Dana received her B.A. from Catholic University of America.